All Leveler for May, Emily O!

All Level CrossFit
July 20, 2022
All Leveler for May, Emily O!
  1. What got you started in CrossFit?  How did you hear about it?

My husband wanted to get me out of the house, so he gifted me foundations for Christmas one year. We had heard a lot of great things about CrossFit from some of his family members, so I decided to give it a go and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 

2.  What is your favourite part about coming to the gym?

My favourite thing about coming to the gym is seeing my favourite people. I love starting my day suffering through a grueling workout with my 6:30am crew, followed by a coffee and chat with Zach.  

3. What is your favourite CrossFit movement?  Least favourite?

My favourite CrossFit movements are the clean and jerk and the reverse burpee. My least favourite movement is the dreadful thruster. 

4. What are your goals in CrossFit?

My goals are to hit a 200# back squat, string together my T2B and to do a bar muscle up, by the end of 2020 (depending on when we can go back to the box). 

5. How do you explain your newfound obsession with CrossFit?

I don’t have to explain it because I only hang out with other CrossFitters now.  

6.  What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of trying CrossFit?

Just do it. It could change your life! 

7.  What does CrossFit mean to you?

CrossFit means the world to me. It keeps me physically fit and is the most effective treatment for depression and anxiety, for me. During this uncertain time, I am incredibly thankful for the coaches and members of ALCF for keeping focused and connected. CrossFit is a constant in my life that just makes me so happy. I’m lucky to be part of such an amazing community. 

8.  How has CrossFit helped you improve your life outside of the gym?

CrossFit has taught me so many things – self-discipline, self-confidence and the ability to take constructive criticism in stride (usually). I can definitely see these things translating into my work, school and personal life. 

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