Lockdown Part 2--The Plan

All Level CrossFit
July 20, 2022
Lockdown Part 2--The Plan

It looks inevitable that we will be going into the grey level of Ontario's COVID plan soon.  

While it is something that we hope doesn't happen, we want to be prepared and share with you our plan going forward.

1.  We will loan out equipment.  The way it will be loaned out will be on a point system.  Each member will start with 20 points to spend.  A rower/bike/ski erg will be 20 points.  A barbell and plates will be 15 points.  Barbell alone is 10 points.  Smaller items such as a dumbbell, a kettlebell, a skip rope, a med ball, a slam ball, a box, an ab mat, etc will be 5 points each.  We believe this will be a fair and equitable way to loan equipment.  Please prioritize on need.  Be considerate and kind.   

2.  We will be providing personalized programming for each member based on the equipment they have available, their fitness goals, any injuries and how you are feeling that day.  Your regular coach will contact you via the platform of your choice (text, email, phone, Instagram, etc)  daily and tailor the WOD to fit the above examples.  You can ask your coach questions and have conversations about the WOD or other fitness related stuff (stretching, nutrition, etc) daily.  

3.  We will continue our Zoom classes with our full schedule of coaches.

4. We will add one seminar/special event per week focusing on what you, our members, want to see. 

5.  We will once again produce lots of content on Instagram and YouTube focusing on how to modify movements to what you have at home.

6.  We will bring back online community events like Zoom Trivia Nights, Bingo, etc

7.  Provide a weekly delivery service on items we sell: apparel, supplements, etc.  

We are hoping the above plan provides enough value that you will continue to support us with your membership for the length of the lockdown (hopefully 28 days).  

We are going to work our butts off to make sure no member gets left behind and all of your fitness needs are met.

We will respect anyone's decision who feels that they need to put their membership on hold.  We will also work with anyone who wishes to continue, but may be experiencing financial hardships due to the shutdown.  Reach out and we can figure something out.  

This has been an amazing, stressful, hard, crazy, unexpected year, but with a community full of amazing people like yourself, we have, and will continue to persevere.  We are forever grateful for the support you have provided us and can assure you that we will become a stronger, smarter and more resilient community when COVID is in the rear view mirror.  

We’ve endured much worse than 28 days.   These 4 weeks will fly by and we expect to be back to business as usual very soon.

Let’s use the power of our community to help us get through this.  We are ready.  We are All Level.

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