All Leveler(s) for July 2024--Andrea and Manuel!

Our All Level CrossFit members of the month
July 2, 2024
All Leveler(s) for July 2024--Andrea and Manuel!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started?


I did CrossFit back in 2014 for almost 3 years in Panama and stopped because I move to US for college. Joined All Level about 6 months ago because Manuel wanted to try it since I had mentioned how much I used to love it.


About 5-6 months. I wanted to try it out because Andrea had done crossfit in the past and she would always talk about how much she loved it. That’s how we ended up at the gym.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why?


I would say inclusive. When joining All Level, I immediately noticed how nice and supportive everyone is and made me feel so welcomed. Having to constantly move places due to work, joining a gym where they treat you like one of their own from the very first day is so heart warming!


Hard to choose one of the three, but I think authentic. Because everyone at the gym is so genuine and supportive. There’s no judgement no matter at what level you are and I love that.

3. What do you most look forward to when you come to the gym?


I’m always excited to lift heavy stuff, play gymnast (not running) and do all of it with my gym friends. Also look forward to coach Steph funny roasting seshs.


Besides getting a good workout in and pushing myself, I always look forward to having fun with everyone at the gym. The classes are always fun and engaging and I always have a good time.

4. What is your favourite memory at All Level CrossFit?


So many to choose from! When Manuel unlocked the BMU or when I almost killed him trying to teach him HSPU. A recent one, JD Classic, first competition in a long time and got to do it with Manuel and all our new friends ♥️


There’s so many, but I think getting my first bar muscle up. Or seeing Andrea kill literally every workout. More recently, during the JD Classic, I really loved how the whole gym came together to cheer and support everyone that was competing.

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you’ve successfully achieved? What are your current goals?


Relearning everything, so far getting ring muscle ups back and exciting PRs on weightlifting. I currently have my eyes set on handstand walk and to loose my fear for snatch.


Learning new movements like the kipping pull pus and the bar muscle ups. I want to get better at weightlifting, so my current goal is to lift heavier.

6. What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about starting CrossFit?


Give it a try! Don’t get scared by the “we dead” faces… those are really “We love it here” faces. Don’t be afraid to ask, everyone is willing to help. I’ve had the opportunity to try crossfit in three different countries and I’ve always found a beautiful supportive community.


That they should 100% try it. There’s space for everyone. All the movements are scalable, and people are super supportive and helpful.

7. How has your experience at All Level CrossFit improved your life outside of the gym?


It made my Windsor experience 1000 times better. Doesn’t matter how stressful work gets, that one hour always gets me in a better mood. I’ve met amazing people I can now call friends that love crossfit as much as I do and what’s even better, I get to share it with Manuel too!


It has definitely improved my quality of life. The exercise helps with the stress from work and from life in general. I know for a fact that no matter how bad my day at work has been, I get to forget all that during my workout. I’ve also met the most amazing people and made new friends! And it’s something else that I share with Andrea that we both love and look forward to every day.

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