All Leveler of the Month for Feb 2025--Mark C!

All Level CrossFit member of the month.
February 2, 2025
All Leveler of the Month for Feb 2025--Mark C!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started? I started doing CrossFit in 2017. I was tired of the same old routine at the gym. I tried and really enjoyed high intensity interval training (HIIT). My introduction to HIIT the was with the “Insanity” program and Shawn T. My friend at work had been doing CrossFit for years and told me to go try. I went and haven’t looked back.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why? Driven. I think that for me as a person from how I live my life to what I undertake, I am very goal driven. I think that most CrossFit individuals in general are.

3. What do you most look forward to when you come to the gym? The community. Working together with others in the class to get through the WOD. Having people in the class as well as the coaches push you is definitely one of my favorite things. The adaptive class with its members has been a great example of this. I enjoy working out with all the athletes in this class.

4. What is your favourite memory at All Level CrossFit? All the workouts that I do with my daughter Ashley. Its been a great bonding experience and something I look forward to every week.

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you’ve successfully achieved? What are your current goals? My goals have changed so much from when I started from being able to do a pullup to deadlifting 300lbs both of which I have achieved. Now my goals are to get through each workout at my own pace and move safely. Learning to scale and put aside ego has been one of my biggest achievements in both CrossFit and as a person.

6. What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about starting CrossFit? Just do it. It doesn’t matter what shape you are in now. The CrossFit box and community is designed to get you moving and improve your life. All it takes is for you to go through the door.

7. How has your experience at All Level CrossFit improved your life outside of the gym? It has improved my life a couple of ways. First, my mental toughness. Pushing through these workouts when you don’t want to or don’t think you can make it has made me change how I look at tough tasks. I don’t look at the “forest” or entire workout but concentrate on chopping down just one tree at a time or doing one rep at a time. Similarly, I apply this to other aspects of my life. Second is that it has improved my mental and physical health. CrossFit makes me a more positive person and I can do much more physically than most people my age.  I realize now that longevity is something that needs to be worked on and CrossFit is helping me with that.

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