Why Are We A CrossFit Gym?

Why are we a CrossFit Gym in Windsor, Ontario Canada? CrossFit changes lives. CrossFit works. CrossFit is fun.
All Level CrossFit
September 1, 2022
Why Are We A CrossFit Gym?

Out of all the types of gyms we could be, why did we choose to be a CrossFit gym?

The #1 and easiest answer is because CrossFit genuinely changed our lives.  Speak to any of our coaches and they will tell you that CrossFit was a transformative force in their lives.  In fact, it made such a difference that they wanted to pursue it as a career and share what it can do.   From regaining fitness and discipline after neglecting both for years, to beating addiction, to providing a competitive outlet after their athletic careers ended, the reasons are different, but the results are the same.  It was life changing.  And it can change your life too if you let it!

#2 is that the methodology works!  Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity works.  Other methodologies can work too, but none has the efficacy or the breadth and depth of fitness that CrossFit can provide.  From running long distances, to lifting heavy things, to mastery over your own body, CrossFit has you covered.  We don’t focus on aesthetics.  We focus on functionality.  But the byproduct of that functionality is that you will probably be pretty happy with the way you look too!

#3.  You are connected to a global community who share common interests, values and goals.   Go for a trip and seek out a local CrossFit box.  Whether or not you speak the same language, you know that the common thread of hard work, self improvement and fitness will be shared.   Participate in the CrossFit Open and you are instantly connected to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide through shared community, camaraderie and culture.  If you see someone in an elevator rocking NOBULLs, you know you have something to talk about.  It’s cool to be a part of something bigger.  It’s cool to be a part of a global movement that makes a difference in people's lives every day.  It’s also cool to be a part of a community that plans on kicking ass well into our 90s. 

So hop on board, dip your toe in the water, and see why we love CrossFit as much as we do!!  

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