All Level CrossFit in conjunction with the Phoenix ( brings you--
"First Fran: A Sober Celebration".
Looking for a NYE idea that doesn't involve booze, line ups or stress?
Here it is. We are hosting an alcohol free NYE party that finish with the famous benchmark WOD Fran at the stroke of midnight.
Here is the schedule:
8pm--appetizer and non-alcoholic beverage potluck buffet.
9pm--watch the CrossFit Documentary "The Ultimate Test".
11pm--tune into the NYE countdown and start warming up for Fran!!
12:00am--3,2,1, GO! Hit Fran and then cool down and socialize (commiserate).
Entry is free, but this is an alcohol free event. We require 48 hours of continuous sobriety to attend. So if you plan on consuming or have consumed alcohol that evening, we ask that you don't attend.
Book your spot