Quite often we are asked if you can balance training for a running race and doing CrossFit. And the answer is overwhelmingly yes! CrossFit is a perfect match for runners for a few reasons.
- CrossFit can help runners get stronger, reducing the chances of injury and increasing running efficiency. A strong core and balanced strength across all muscle groups will greatly aid in keeping you injury free!
- CrossFit can help build power through plyometric exercises (box jumps, broad jumps) and olympic lifts which will increase top speed and give runners a better kick.
- Believe it or not, your flexibility and mobility will get better with CrossFit! Being able to hit full range of motion is very important in CrossFit and full range of motion (ROM) requires great mobility, so it is a priority in classes.
- Runners are generally a pretty mentally tough group, but overcoming hard workouts in CrossFit can really build resilience that translates into the ability to really dig deep.
Now that we have established why CrossFit is good for runners, next let’s talk about how to put it into practice!
If you are focused on training for a race, we recommend supplementing your running with CrossFit two to three times a week. A sample schedule could look like this:
Monday: CrossFit WOD (workout of the day).
Tuesday: Easy run.
Wednesday: CrossFit WOD
Thursday: Tempo Run
Friday: CrossFit WOD
Saturday: Long slow distance (LSD) run.
Sunday: Day off!
It is important to remember that the template above is only a suggestion and you have to listen to your body. If you need to take a day off from either discipline, do it!!
Equally as important as listening to your body is bringing your coach in on your goals (both as a runner and for fitness in general). By doing this, your coach can tailor your CrossFit classes to better accommodate your training needs and place you in the best position to succeed!
If you need any help on how to incorporate CrossFit into your current running routine (or how to incorporate running into your CrossFit routine) please don’t hesitate to reach out! Luckily for you, we love both!