All Leveler for Sept 2024, Prerana S!

September 4, 2024
All Leveler for Sept 2024, Prerana S!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started?

I started All Level CrossFit in Oct 2023 so total 11 months. When I moved to Windsor from Toronto I was looking for good gym where I feel comfortable and welcome.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why?

I would say I relate most to authentic as every single time I walked in to the gym I felt like home and I can definitely say that it's one of my happy place where people care about you and your day. The most I love about our gym is the community.

3. What do you look forward to most when you come to the gym?

As I said this is my one of the happy place and I always look forward for the  wod class I get to meet and talk with my friends.

4. What is your favourite memory at All Level CrossFit?

I would say CrossFit open 2023 as it was my first time experiencing the weightlifting competition and I really had the best time!

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you’ve successfully achieved? What are your current goals?

For 2024, I really wanted to shed some weight and increase my performance in lifting which I started slowly after joining a nutrition challenge with Zach. He really helped to improve my eating habits and held me accountable. I am really grateful for that. I am still following his advice and I feel great overall health wise also lost 5 pounds.

6. What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about starting crossfit?

My advice for them to be just show up for the class and rest is all will be taken care by the coaches. They are really cool and knowledgeable.

7. How has your experience at All Level improved your life outside of the gym?

It has really helped me mentally to ease pressure as I have met some amazing people here with whom I can talk and call them friends. After moving to Windsor I was worried that how I am gonna survive here as I don't have any friends and I work from home so don't get more chance to go out and meet new people. But after coming to ALC, I have my people now 😊

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