All Leveler for June 2024, Louise P!

July 2, 2024
All Leveler for June 2024, Louise P!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started?

I first started doing CrossFit in 2017 when we were living in the US. Back then, I started because I wanted to get stronger and feel healthier, and I was tired of working out at home alone. I loved it, but when we moved to Windsor the following year, although I intended to continue doing CrossFit, it just didn't happen. Finally, almost 3 years ago, I joined All Level. At that point, I think gyms were just opening up again after being shut down during Covid. That gave me the incentive to start CrossFit again.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why?

I love how inclusive it is; there's something about the diversity of members at the gym that is super special. I especially related to the inclusivity of the gym throughout my pregnancy. I was still able to attend classes and the coaches helped me make any necessary modifications. The same was true when I first returned to the gym and my body was still recovering post-pregnancy. And now I can bring baby Sage with me to the gym!

3. What do you most look forward to when you come to the gym?

I look forward to having an hour when I'm not thinking about anything else that's going on in my life. I also look forward to seeing friendly familiar faces and getting in a good workout with everyone.

4. What is your favourite memory at All Level CrossFit?

I have so many great memories - it's hard to pick one! I think my favourite is from one of the first comps I took part in. I think it was the John Dufour Classic. The energy in the gym was so palpable and inspiring, and the environment was so supportive. I got my first pull-ups ever during the comp, and I'll never forget that.

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you've successfully achieved? What are your current goals?

After my first (very ugly) pull-ups in the comp, I was able to get kipping pull-ups. Deadlifting 200 pounds was the next goal that I reached, and I was almost at 250 before my pregnancy. My current goal is to regain strength to surpass where I was pre-pregnancy. I would also like to string together my toes-to-bar. One of my goals should be double-unders, but, arggh!

6. What advice do you have for someone who's on the fence about starting CrossFit?

If you are thinking about it, just go for it! Your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner.

7. How has your experience at All Level CrossFit improved your life outside of the gym?

Being a member of All Level has made a significant positive impact on my mental well-being. I have struggled with my mental health in the past, and having a consistent exercise routine is crucial for my mental stability and psychological health. Having a gym with a fun, friendly, and family-like atmosphere has been so beneficial in giving me the incentive to stay consistent and keep showing up. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner!!

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