All Leveler for August 2024, Sam McG!

Our All Level CrossFit athlete of the month. Someone who embodies our values of Authentic, Driven and Inclusive.
September 4, 2024
All Leveler for August 2024, Sam McG!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started?

I started CrossFit about 6 and a half years ago. I was teaching at the soccer academy at Lajeunesse and the students did CrossFit with Linda Carrière. She gave me and my mom her “Golden Ticket” and we were instantly hooked.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why?

Definitely “Inclusive”! The first thing I tell people when they ask about CrossFit is how inclusive it is. Everyone can do it, no matter their fitness level. I love that I can show up to class and workout with anybody.

My favourite classes to attend are definitely the Adaptive Classes (cue the tears). It’s been amazing to see the athletes progress over the years and working out with them is so much fun. I’m so happy and proud that my gym offers inclusive classes like that! Working out with the Adaptive athletes has also helped me become a better teacher because it’s helped me understand exactly what inclusion is, especially in a classroom setting.

3. What do you most look forward to when you come to the gym?

I look forward to seeing the coaches and members when I go to the gym. I’ve met some of my best friends there and it’s always fun to socialize with everyone.

I also look forward to challenging myself, whether it be pushing the intensity or working on a new skill. I love that feeling of progress and betterment.

4. What is your favourite memory at All Level CrossFit?

Oh god, it’s impossible to choose just one! There’s every PR I’ve hit, watching my friends PR, Christmas parties, Open throwdowns, Quarterfinal workouts, partner WODs with my mom, Murph BBQs, Comps… the list goes on and on!

HOWEVER, there is one time that is most memorable and that is when Zach convinced me to do a partner marathon row… for  3 hours… outside… in the hot sun… with a giant blister on my heel… I won’t ever forget that, that’s for sure!

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you’ve successfully achieved? What are your current goals?

When I first started CrossFit, my goal was to simply find a form of exercise that I enjoyed and kept me motivated. Once I (quickly) realized how awesome CrossFit was, I started wanting to hit new barbell PRs and learn new gymnastics skills. I still have those same goals, but my main focus is continuing to find balance between my training and other aspects of my life, such as my relationships and my career.

6. What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about starting CrossFit?

Just do it.

7. How has your experience at All Level CrossFit improved your life outside of the gym?

CrossFit has honestly changed my life. Not only have I met some of my closest friends and become the healthiest version of myself, but it has also done wonders for my self-esteem. Growing up, I was always afraid of being “too muscular” and “too competitive”. As girls and women, we’re constantly told to be the smallest version of ourselves. We’re told to not lift too heavy or else we’ll get too bulky and that’s seen as “unattractive”. CrossFit has allowed me to embrace these qualities in myself because it celebrates strong women. I love being strong and I love the physique I’ve built over the years. I have CrossFit and this gym to thank for that :)

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